A Pepper of Grackles

Poetry of green, now a phantom
of summer’s picnic, is placed 
on shadow’s shelf to pout
amongst purloined seashells. 

In poppy riots of red oak 
smoke rises from campfires
to tease the wind with marshmallows
hissing in splatters against embers. 

Among the sheltered nests
of twisted roots
quiet opens its ear
to the sound of a leaf
tucking its orange face
into the blanket of autumn.

Jealous sun vines its way
through Fall’s colors 
knowing it’s only an accessory,
a ribbon in Carpo’s henna braided hair. 

A pepper of grackles season’s 
the sky with obsidian as Astraeus 
paces the horizon, anxious to untie
the sash of night’s curtain. 

©Susie Clevenger 2024



Sherry Blue Sky said…
So lovely, Susie, with all the colours of fall.......I love the smoke, the nests and roots. It is beautiful. And what a great title! So happy to be reading you these days.
Anonymous said…
I love the depth and feeling of your imagery - and such a terrific title that peppers throughout - Jae
Fireblossom said…
Hey, the List finally made the Laundry Goddess blog! I especially love the references to Carpo and Astraeus. Wonderful stuff, Susie!
Dora said…
Amazing poetry. I love the tangle of personalities in the tangle of leaves and colors.
Sunra Rainz said…
I love all the personification in this poem, all the smells and tastes, and especially the second stanza. Beautiful, Susie 🌸
hedgewitch said…
Very alive and full of surprise, like Autumn herself. The idea of birds seasoning the sky is, to use one of the list words, enchanting, and the poem as a whole evokes the intricate dance of elements which give this time of year its character, and feeds our souls. I especially like the image of the spent leaf "..tucking its orange face/into the blanket of autumn..."