Transformation Through Strings


She was a young girl

when she first played the cello,

a giggling nymph who hadn’t

yet dreamed in music notes.


With each passing year

the instrument spoke the poetry

of her change from child to woman.


Now grown into curves she dances

her bow across strings to an audience

who needs to feel wings where empty has lain

its path of stones.

©Susie Clevenger 2021

Whenever I hear a cello I think of you.

For my daughter, Carrie Clevenger

The Sunday Muse #163


Carrie Van Horn said…
Oh Susie, this is beautiful each and every line. A wonderful ode to your daughter to her beautiful talent, and that last line "to an audience who needs to feel wings where empty has lainits path of stones."...well that is deep and magnificent my friend!
Fireblossom said…
That ending, as per your usual, is stunning, Susie.
Fireblossom said…
ps--that music is superb!!!
indybev said…
What a lovely gift for your talented daughter!
qbit said…
Beautiful piece for your daughter!
Jim said…
Your Carrie must play well, I am happy for you guys about that.
Nice narrative, I am thinking it was a heavy bulky instrument
for her in the first. I hope she still plays.
C. Sandlin said…
A marvelous poem, the end just left me breathless.
Gillena Cox said…
A lovely blend of growth and music accompaniment
Happy Sunday

Helen said…
Love this .... I have dreamed in magic notes, a few not so magical! Hope you are doing well.
JadeLi said…
Susie I appreciate your command of the poem and how it seamlessly poured itself onto the screen/page. The last line full of profound truth of what musicians give to us listeners. Very awesome your daughter plays the cello!
kaykuala said…
who needs to feel wings
where empty has lain
its path of stones.

Love to see the admiration and support rendered to your daughter's talents. It will further boost her efforts. Great ode extended Susie!

Sunita said…
This is written with lots of love. The last stanza stands out. Loved it, Susie :)
love how she develops into a cello shape! but the beginning is very touching
"a giggling nymph who hadn’t

yet dreamed in music notes."
Marion Horton said…
What a beautiful tribute to your daughter - its so true that music can lift us on its wings.
. said…
The path of the development of mastering an instrument, so wonderful expressed. So touching.
Oh Susie- this is simply lovely. And the music is perfect too.
your blog is called "confessions of a laundry goddess" that's funny, i like that.

"her bow across strings to an audience

who needs to feel wings where empty has lain

its path of stones."

loved those lines, and the path of stone, yeah i've felt like that.
These words sing a song, and pay a tribute.
Ajudzia said…
Truly this is the most beautiful poetry blog/site I have been on