The I in Others

Others, a word
outside myself
that places me
in the anonymity
of a dandelion wind,
a seeded storm of wishes
searching for a place to bloom.

©Susie Clevenger 2020

#napowrimo2020 Day 6

Inspired by the Real Toads Prompt ~ Speaking in the Voice of Another


Sherry Blue Sky said…
Oh, Susie, how beautiful! A "seeded storm of wishes searching for a place to bloom." Wonderful!
Sanaa Rizvi said…
Hot damn!!!🔥🔥🔥💝 This is spot on brilliant, Susie. I especially like; "in the anonymity of a dandelion wind."
Kim M. Russell said…
Gorgeous, Susie,
‘the anonymity
of a dandelion wind,
a seeded storm of wishes
searching for a place to bloom’.
Jim said…
Small thing for us but its biggest worry of the day. We are starting to see the dandelion puffs here too. They match my new shut in hair style.
Ellecee said…
So beautiful, Susie. I especially like " a seeded storm of wishes searching for a place to bloom." May they find their place.
Beautiful indeed – and entirely subjective. Anonymity is NOT a word applicable to you.
Old Egg said…
This took me back so many years when as a child blowing the little parachutes off with puff was one of our favorite acts..except that Dad moaned he would be having to dig up dandelions coming up in his garden in a few months time!
Pratibha said…
beautifully captured the feelings..
Kerry O'Connor said…
An excellent analogy, Susie.. so perfectly phrased.
The metaphor of the seeding dandelion....just a puff and the seeds are scattered. This is beautiful.