Mortal's Rockery

Death owns the mossed headstones
orphaned by time and muted stories
no longer spoken in mortal’s rockery.

Fallen epitaphs .... names surrender
to nature’s bloom and winter frost,
broken granite bouquets tied with wild roses.

Where pain no longer visits, peace speaks
poetry through meadowlark and aspen sigh, souls long gone
now rest as poems cradled in the arms of Mother Earth.

©Susie Clevenger 2020
#napowritmo2020 Day 25
Inspired by: #skyloverwordlist - rockery 

Real Toads - April 2020 - Day 25


Sherry Blue Sky said…
I love the idea of souls long gone now resting as poems upon Mother Earth. So comforting.
Yes, the passing of time brings peace to these sites of old trauma. You've captured the feeling beautifully.
Billy Blue Eyes said…
The words fit some of the churchyards I visit so well, they describe some of the headstones and memorials that are breaking up and blending back in with the earth around. Very nice
Kerry O'Connor said…
To me, this is one of the signature poems of April 2020.
Sanaa Rizvi said…
"names surrender to nature’s bloom and winter frost, broken granite bouquets tied with wild roses,"... wow!!! This is excellent writing, Susie 💘