Autumnus Mortem

Orange crumbled into brown
until October couldn’t
breathe beyond the frost.

Death’s autumn carnival
surrendered its tent
to the north wind.

Sunlight stares at matchstick limbs
and imagines splashes of green, robins’ nests,
and tulip colors painting earth’s breast.

©Susie Clevenger 2016


I love the personification here--your images are so vivid--
Justin Lamb said…
Great description of fall changing to winter.
Timoteo said…
Wish I were in this picture (and the one you've painted)'s still the mid nineties here!
The title is so catchy and the poem is marvelous~
Kim M. Russell said…
A wonderful opening line: 'Orange crumbled into brown' and it didn't stop there, Susie! A gorgeous poem to autumn.
Marian said…
Pretty, pretty, even in decay. Be awhile for those pastels and tulips.
Anonymous said…
Vivid description of winter's arrival. Nicely done.
Kerry O'Connor said…
I love the title, susie. It is perfect. And all comes together like a beautiful work of art.
Anonymous said…
One really has to love that ending
Rommy said…
This is just so vivid. The word choices here are beyond marvelous.
Outlawyer said…
Ha-- vivid images--I am right now in city, but where I truly love (upstate NY) there are six inches of snow coming. k.
Gillena Cox said…
Wow, really luv this

much love...
Jim said…
Such a pretty reminder of season changing of the guard, Susie. My pick is October, "Orange crumbled into brown. Such a lovely month changed to brown as our elderly change to gray, and wrinkles. I read this the other night, I don't remember it having a third verse. Right, or did I leave too soon?
What a gorgeous ekphrastic! (I'm assuming it must be, as it is such a perfect description of the picture.) And what a very original, yet apt, poem on autumn.
kaykuala said…
Great to be witnessing the change of seasons. More so from colorful golden to bare coldness

baili said…
what aan amazing painting of beautiful words to define the enchantment of fall