Crumpled Scent

The crumpled scent
of pages in a book
is the incense of escape.

I can sit at the throne of words
and life feels less urgent
with imagination’s release.

Worry must keep its silence;
pain cease its agitation;
time hood its blood wink.

The crumpled scent of pages
lifts me from the quicksand
why taunts me to cross.

©Susie Clevenger 2015


Sherry Blue Sky said…
This is excellent....."the incense of escape" at "the throne of words" the closing with its "quicksand why" taunting you to cross. I find relief and escape in the printed page too, kiddo - also movies....I go live someone else's life for a couple of hours, LOL.
rallentanda said…
Beautifully written. Escapism in reading is brief respite from the pressures of a 21st century life.
colleen said…
I like the pages emanating an incense of escape.
Maude Lynn said…
That first stanza is so perfect!
Ella said…
I, too love "the throne of words"~ The "quicksand of why"-haunts-as it should!
Yes, reading works for me-allowing me to escape my reality, for a bit~ I hope you get some much needed rest~

This was so well done!
Vandana Sharma said…
All of us have our own fantasy world where we like to frequent.
definitely captured my sense of the longing we all seem to share, in a vicarious way.

well written

Sanaa Rizvi said…
This is beautiful! Specially loved the opening lines :D
kaykuala said…
The crumpled scent of pages lifts me from
the quicksand why taunts me to cross.

There is always that element to tempt one into breaking some rules! It is good to try if it is not detrimental to oneself! Well penned Susie!

Kerry O'Connor said…
I can certainly relate to these words!
a wonderful tribute to the abiding value of books...loved "the incense of escape"
felt safer even reading this.... yes. the throne of words, a veil of incense between the worlds. the comfort of them, woven.