Poe's Invocation

In a cage of silence I fought
invisible bars until a poem
unlocked my voice.
A black beak of woe
spoke to the agony
of midnight’s claw
tearing my tongue
into secrets.

Perched on Poe’s invocation
a raven pierced the starless whispers
hidden in an ebony curtain of “never tell.”

A little girl tucked into my fifteen years
learned the language of pen and ink
and grew fledgling wings of verse.

©Susie Clevenger 2015 

NaPoWriMo 2015 Day 1


Hannah said…
For me, this is rich and dark and Poe-esque raw!! Love it Susie...especially this, "tearing my tongue/into secrets." Excellent tight poetry!
Anonymous said…
"learned the language of pen and ink and grew fledgling wings of verse"... you certainly did to your reader's great pleasure.
Magaly Guerrero said…
I want to DANCE to the tune of that last stanza!

P.S. Keeping your Dawn in my thoughts. ♥
Kenia Santos said…
Susie this is so beautiful! I love that you're always able to put so much feeling, so much humanity in your words and that you say so much in just the right amount of words.

Other Mary said…
I'm glad you got out of that cage. You're a lovely songbird.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
One of your best, Susie. I commented on facebook.....back again to say this is SUPERB writing.
Ella said…
Poe-rrific! I love yours~
grapeling said…
oh Susie, you're a beautiful poet (Poe - t?), and this is a telling pen. ~
Jim said…
I too liked and was influenced by Poe. He was one of the few who made an impression. Your "The Raven" and for some reason, "The Pit and the Pendulum" have stayed with me the best.
And you've perched yourself now above many a door, I love you being above mine. Always there for me with the Toads.
Kerry O'Connor said…
I wonder if Poe ever fully realized the deep and lasting impact he made on so many readers and writers.

Your imagery is outstanding.
Gillena Cox said…
such a powerful rendering, your muse of Poe is watching over us you the writer and we the readers, and smiling in delight; your piece is that good

thanks for stopping by to read mine

much love...
Outlawyer said…
This is wonderfully heart-felt and universally relatable--to women at least--I am thinking also of "nevermore!" Not keeping silent. Thanks, Susie--hope your daughter is okay. K.
Marian said…
Susie! So glad Poe unleashed your telling. Keeping silent, never more! Love this poem.
hedgewitch said…
'tearing my tongue into secrets' that is just excellent, Susie. You know Poe is my man.
What a beautiful evocation and reframing of Poe's raven, the muse that gave you your own wings.