Silence Looms

Envy paints me with its green brush
each time I stumble with words
while another pen earns its wings.

I compare my can’t to their can
as I stare snow blind at white space
that mocks my inadequacy.

Have I reached the end of inspiration?
Tears are a dark lake I cannot swim.
Silence looms.

©Susie Clevenger 2015


Maude Lynn said…
This is exactly how I feel!
Maybe so — but your inventiveness with colour is unimpaired.
Jim said…
Drats, Writer's Block again.
BTW, Google has some 'helps' here.
C.C. said…
That middle stanza is an astounding example of your 'can'---WOW!!
grapeling said…
'tears are a dark lake I can't swim'

hit directly center ~
brudberg said…
Oh... one reason to go blogging instead of publishing ... but I think you're great.. when I lack inspiration I pick out a piece of text and then just find wordpairs that I think look intriguing.. white and black are great colors for that feeling though
Anonymous said…
You've expressed it for all of us, I'll bet. "I compare my can’t to their can"... Trying to learn not to do that. Sometimes, I get overwhelmed with the talent here on this blog (and others) and feel childish and silly. But, I also learn so much from you all and enjoy what I read enough to keep trying..
Ron. said…
This will not last.
Kerry O'Connor said…
I know how this feels. You have expressed the self-doubt of writer's block so succinctly in 55.
Laura said…
"Tears are a dark lake I cannot swim." and yet we are plunged into it again and again, somehow flailing we return to shore, begin again.
Anonymous said…
I certainly know that feeling. Beautifully stated.
Grace said…
Your words resonated with me ~ Envy is what I feel like when I can't write and silence looms~
Sherry Blue Sky said…
No way, Susie, because you are one of the poets by whom I measure my cant and your can.But I do know the feeling when weeks go by when I feel like I am not writing well. Then, occasionally, a half-decent poem comes through and keeps me plodding on, LOL. Your poems are a wonder! Fave line: "tears are a dark lake I cannot swim." I like what C.C. says, and I echo it.
Jazzbumpa said…
Sometimes we just need a break.

I can get inspired by reading something I especially like, or especially don't like.

Funny how that works.

The poem is great.

Hannah said…
That feeling is so connectable and your last two lines paint it brilliantly!
Magaly Guerrero said…
Perhaps for a wee while... But many times the tears are not meant to be crossed. Like this speaker shows, they can be written away...
Outlawyer said…
Silence is a loom and you weave on j'it. Thanks, susie. Forgive typos on phone and trainZ k