Easter Bunny Spoems

Blind Science

We can almost hear the Easter bunny
celebrate being halfway to the gunshine state
where today’s maker moment for the
Red Rocks' Exclusive is How She Blinded Me
With the Science of Pink Ribbon Fleece.

Big Ears Festival

Final hours for
the Big Ears Festival.

We can almost hear
the Easter bunny melt
in her pink ribbon fleece
as Pure Imagination, Shakey Graves,
and Iconic Power Spray
closeout the event.

©Susie Clevenger 2015

Today at Real Toads we are writing spoems.




  1. a poem made up entirely from the subject lines of different spam emails
  2. a random sequence of words in the subject line of a spam email, generated to fool spam filters


Hannah said…
Brilliant...love the way the second one plays out...thank you for the inspiration, Susie!
Sherry Blue Sky said…
My daughter would LOVE those pajamas! This is a fun prompt, Susie. Your Spam makes a lot more sense than mine does........mine doesnt really have subject lines, just dire warnings in the body of the email.
Lolamouse said…
A melting Easter Bunny?!! Sounds like a disaster! This was creepily funny!
Magaly Guerrero said…
That's hysterical. Is it horrible that the image of the Easter Bunny melting in that terrifying fleece is making me roar? Perhaps not. It seems the imagery had the same effect on Lalomouse.
Anonymous said…
Love the last lines of the Blind Science. Might be the title of a really bad punk rock song.
This is a fun prompt - thanks!
brudberg said…
Ha.. I just had a date with an easter bunny (of the golden chocolate kind) I must say your spam folder is more interesting than mine..
Margaret said…
Way too fun… time for the Easter bunny to strip, I think…
Outlawyer said…
The poor Easter bunny gets a run-through here--the combinations that people use even in real spam are so crazy--but you go one better. Thanks, Susie. k.