Dear October

Dear October,

Did Shakespeare simply
ignore you or did he fear
his words could not
adequately speak of the beauty
of your candle flamed leaves
dancing with the wind?

Your glory hangs upon cinnamon limbs
prodding even the daylight star to question
eternity about the bard’s silence.

Perhaps it was Shakespeare’s intent
to have us pen our own October sonnet
while you quietly lay autumn upon his grave.

©Susie Clevenger 2014

At Real Toads Mama Zen prompted us to use personify October
 in 53 words or less. Forgive me Mama Zen for being more wordy.


hedgewitch said…
Love the last lines here--the tribute of autumn, and actually, a very fine sense of its harvest which hides under all those colors, and both sustains and brings its own beauty.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
WOW! This is brilliant! Perfection, Susie!
Other Mary said…
What a great approach Susie. And I too love your closing lines.
Maude Lynn said…
Really gorgeous, Susie. I love "cinnamon limbs."
Archer's Bones said…
"while you quietly lay autumn on his grave"

Beautiful imagery. That touched my heart.
Anonymous said…
Sweet! The imagery of "cinnamon limbs" is exquisite!
Anjum Wasim Dar said…
Beautiful so much warmth is felt by the last lines the eyes are full of tears
Marian said…
pretty, pretty sonnet.
Kerry O'Connor said…
October is definitely not a month to be neglected by poets.
Hannah said…
I love the question you pose and the answer in the end...beautifully delivered, Susie.
Magaly Guerrero said…
The last lines--and the mood of this poetic letter--are just beautiful. I hope Shakespeare answers back. If he does, do share!
Magaly Guerrero said…
I meant if October answers. See? October can be distracting, too. *sigh*