A Forty Watt Moon

I hear photographs speak,
brush my teeth with thoughts,
and walk barefoot through
the alphabet under a forty watt moon.

Surrounded by poets on bookshelves,
I ink verses until “finished” releases me
from wide awake dreams.

Attempting to snake charm sleep
with yawns, I cap my pen
and surrender to daylight
winking on the horizon.

©Susie Clevenger 2014


Grace said…
What an intriguing title Susie ~ Your muse is a night charmer, smiles ~
ZQ said…
Poor darn kid! Get some sleep :-) ...not that it's affecting your work any. Very nice write/read.
brudberg said…
What interesting images. You create.. With insomnia that's must be how it feel...
Jim said…
A little scary, Susie. Could be a sleepy time dream, perhaps caused by writing too many poems, or what it is literally. Or??
I believe you and I are the latest bloggers around on the Toads. My normal bedtime is between midnight and one, that can vary up or down, mostly later.
Preeti S. said…
I also have my late night inspiration bouts and I can rarely replicate that during the day. The imagery is brilliant, including the title. I love your style and I enjoyed reading this piece. :)
Marian said…
love this moment.
Carrie Van Horn said…
Wow this is so cool Suzie....I love the image of a forty watt moon.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Love that 40 watt moon.
Hannah said…
I really enjoy the way you open this...totally consumed with muse...excellent, Susie!
Gail said…
This is one of my favorites. Well done!
Jinksy said…
That's worth having insomnia, if it helps you produce such a charming poem! *smiles*
Anonymous said…
Hey Susie/- I was looking at this on the mobile version which comes out in different colors and was almost impossible for blind me to read. I was able to switch it though. What a charming poem-- very likeable and vivid. Thanks. K.
Your images are fabulous, starting with the 40 watt moon.
Unknown said…
Amazing what the need, the drive, to write demands of us isn't it? I've likely been awake along with you, working similarly!
Anne V said…
I like the imagery of snake charming sleep. That is how I have felt many a time these past couple of months. Beautiful work. All your blogs are beautiful. I have no words for your latest post on your Susie's Sentences blog. Powerful and resounds with me on so many levels.
ed pilolla said…
in love with the 40-watt moon, but there are so many magical moments here.