Take The Moon

My heart is a ticking clock
dividing time with your smile
and the barrenness of your anger.

Take the moon, the last rose,
the lust memories I have stored
in my flesh, but don’t rob me
of my reflection in your blue eyes.

We are two souls wrapped into
one eternity. Forgive me for stepping
into the starlight of another’s arms.

©Susie Clevenger 2014

Margaret at Real Toads had us revisiting previous challenges. I chose one from Kerry, Jorge Luis Borges


Jim said…
I had to think here for a bit, Susie. Then I decided that the last line is appropriate. You wrote it so nice and smooth.

Been there, done that and more. All kinds of mixed emotions enter into the mind and heart and they really don't go away. Ever, I am thinking, now 46 years later.
DeniseinVA said…
Hi Susie, that's a lovely poem, thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
I especially like the first stanza.
Grace said…
The ending verse caught me by surprise ~ I love it Susie ~
ZQ said…
A wonderful and interesting piece.
Bodhirose said…
That's a tough place to be...between a person's smile and their anger. But you are very clear that you still want to see your reflection in those blue eyes...very poignant, Susie.
Susan said…
The ending surprised me too despite the hints of loss and substitution earlier. I thought someone did something to the speaker. Ha! Good one.
Sumana Roy said…
I like the division creating many pathways and the last few lines adding a mystery to it...a perfect maze..
Marian said…
this is a bit of a maze, isn't it? it's very effective, Susie.
Kerry O'Connor said…
Each section of this poem is perfectly constructed. You achieve an amazing sense of balance between dark and light in your poetry, Susie.
Margaret said…
If I read this correctly, it isn't always easy to let go … but obviously, sometimes it is for the best to step into another's line of vision. It IS hard to let go of some memories, old "loves"…. A twisting maze of a poem, for sure - Nice surprise ending (if I understand it correctly)