April's Muddy Shoes

Don’t judge April
by her muddy shoes.
Earth requests her tears
to urge buds to blossom
for May’s Glory.

In her dappled
of servitude 
she weeps color
over winter’s corpse,
and takes joy in knowing
that although she is not
the queen of bouquets,
poets search each of her hours
for words to capture her voice.

©Susie Clevenger 2014

At Real Toads Mama Zen asked us to write the best and worst of April in 66 words or less.   Words Count With Mama Zen


Sherry Blue Sky said…
I LOVE this, especially her weeping tears over winter's corpse. And yes, many poets are capturing her, muddy boots and all!
Susan said…
Yes! So true. We pray April in hope of May which really gets much less scrutiny and applause.
Kathryn Dyche said…
oh yes . . . we search. Got your book from Amazon today, can't wait to read it.
Yvonne Osborne said…
I love your opening line. And something about April does stir the muse.
Maude Lynn said…
"she weeps color
over winter’s corpse"

Damn, I love that!
Jim said…
Very nice, Susie. You searched deeply here, into the nature and character of April, and came up with a winner, a one sided love/servitude relationship with her successor, May. She does well.
Margaret said…
I so ADORE that first line - wish i had written that - and the whole is so clever - yes how many poem have been written about April, about spring? ha
Sumana Roy said…
"she weeps color'...love this line
ayala said…
You had me in the first line :)
So, so beautiful. Fabulous imagery.
Anonymous said…
damn poets, always poking our noses into private places ~