Home Has Found Me

Photograph ~ Margaret Bednar

 “I don't want to own anything until I find a place where me and things go together.”
― Truman Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany's: A Short Novel and Three Stories

Don’t you want roots?
Everyone wants
at least one spot
of earth to hold
their footprints.

“I don't want to own
anything until I find
a place where me
and things go together.”

She laid seashells
upon her wrist
and asked him
to listen to the ocean.

When the waves stop
singing their song
of another shore
I must see,
then I will know
home has found me.

 ©Susie Clevenger 2014

Play It Again, Toads #3


Sherry Blue Sky said…
This is beautiful. I am dreaming these days of exactly that sort of home finding me soon. Love the photo, too.
Kenia Santos said…
Definitely on e of the sweetest things I've read today, I'm always happy to come. You're an amazing poet. <3
Margaret said…
… truly, there are so many places I could be "home" in. It seems the more I travel and visit new cities (I adore old, historical ones) the more I just want to travel and soak it all in. I'm not even sure I can say I have one favorite spot. I adore the mountains, but recently have fallen in love with the ocean. I am so glad you chose this photo - It is my daughter's arm - she is an artist and has dreams to travel the world… so spot on!

You have such a beautiful way of expression!
Kerry O'Connor said…
I love the whimsy of this piece - the gentle certainty in an uncertain world. The words are well-accompanied by both photo and quote.
Susie Swanson said…
I love this Susie. Kinda how I feel right now. Thanks for your beautiful poetry. Hugs, xo
Hannah said…
This piece holds such a calm and comforting tone...faith. ♥ Beautiful, Susie.