My mind climbs the mountain of dreams
where the yew needles the moon
to drip candle light into the blackness.
Dressed in the garments of sin and lies
night breaks the lock of my weakness
and seduces resistance with glittered tongue.
In a sea of broken bottles I drink the foam
splashing against amber glass until
I forget I ever cried for rescue.
Lying half drowned in the wilds of sapphire I cling white
to excuses burning their way across my lips and pray
they will silence the condemnation of conscience.
©Susie Clevenger 2014
Brendan at Real Toads offered us a list of words from Sylvia Plath's The Moon and the Yew Tree as inspiration for our poetry. Get Listed With Brendan ~ Moon Madness
Wonderful writing.
love that
and your ending is great.