My Choice of Crazy

Don’t send me party invitations
that demand I only wear a right shoe.
I would rather drink tea with Alice
than sip from a patriot’s cup.

I care not for flag waving conversations
about the disaster of affordable
while demanding legislation
that rewrites my rights after rape.

If I am to drink tea with crazy,
let it be in the garden of my choice,
where a mad hatter, a mouse
and a rabbit are entertaining
with their lips spouting nonsense.

©Susie Clevenger 2013

I am in such a writing struggle lately. I am producing mediocre, darn it! I have read through my fellow toads pieces for this challenge and they are wonderful!! Kay, your blog hates me. Just wanted you to know I read yours and it is a strong piece of unfortunate truth!! Kudos!!

Real Toads ~ A Birthday in November ~ Marianne Moore


Susan said…
Well, when you are willing to have tea with Alice, you are in my territory. I am only wearing a left shoe. I love this extremely witty poem!
Margaret said…
Ah, I mostly wear a right shoe, but I will respectively hold my tongue so we can share a nice cup of tea :) And this is not "funk" poetry - I think you might be your own worst critic?
Kerry O'Connor said…
The real world can seem insane, and an imaginary one far preferable - I think that's why I have always been a prolific reader, and escape into cyberspace for a break from what is really going on out there.
Billy Blue Eyes said…
I like it and it's better that I can write which is zilch
Hannah said…
That's exactly right, Susie...we must choose our "brand" of crazy. I enjoyed this fantastical take!