Autumn ~ Tanka

I felt autumn’s breath
brush my cheek,
a soft kiss of leaves
pirouetting from limbs
soon to be barren.


Gold rained from dark limbs
in a wind song of autumn’s ending.
Their rustling sonata performed
beneath a blue sky waiting
for winter to ice the clouds.

©Susie Clevenger 2013


Marian said…
pretty, Susie. living in just this moment up here, too :)
Kerry O'Connor said…
Two lovely tanka, Susan. I especially like the image of the golden rain of leaves as winter embraces the land.
Billy Blue Eyes said…
Beautiful, what more can I say.
brudberg said…
I loved that kiss in the first tanka. lovely.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Uplifting and glorious......especially the "wind song of autumn's ending".
Ella said…
Pretty imagery guiding your message!
I love yours~
Helen said…
You brought Autumn to life, glorious technicolor life!!! Great tanka...
Scarlet said…
I can see those leaves pirouetting and hear their rustling sonata ~ Lovely tanka Susie ~
Susie Swanson said…
Love both of them. Awesome.
Maude Lynn said…
These are so pretty, Susie!
Kay L. Davies said…
The ballet and the sonata, Susie, both so lovely, but the pirouetting leaf captured my imagination. I love autumn.
Vandana Sharma said…
The essence of autumn:)
Anonymous said…
well conceived imagery in both; my favorite is the first (if only by a whisker)
Hannah said…
Each of these hold a distinct turning point of emotion in them...somber tones...nicely done, Susie!!