
Mnemosyne by  Dante Gabriel Rossetti

I would abdicate my throne
for one day of forgetfulness.

My spirit grieves the words
I have had to form to catalog
man’s errors when I was birthed
to create language for beauty.

While I can’t forget they refuse
to remember the sky was once blue,
the water was fresh, and hunger
didn’t create zombie’s fighting for bread.

My immortality is weighted with stones
wrapped around my vocal chords.
I have rattled heaven with my shouts
at humanity to stop killing the very
place that gives them life, but they won’t abate.

Watching death imprint its face on my memory
is an eternal curse I can’t escape;
nor can I run from the vocabulary
I must create to describe it.

©Susie Clevenger 2013

Mnemosyne was the Titan goddess of memory and remembrance and the inventress of language and words.

Kerry's Wednesday Challenge ~ Gods In Nature


Ella said…
Visual haunting! Memory does serve us a feast-we do not always want offered. So many details capture the foreboding thoughts-I love how you approached the prompt!
Well Done Susie!
Kerry O'Connor said…
This is just excellent, Susie. Your opening lines are inspired and a sure hook for this reader. I think you were so clever to choose the titan goddess of memory. How wearisome it must be for her to have to retain her own memories of the history of mankind.
LaTonya Baldwin said…
Love the lesson on the goddess. Like even more the voice you give her. Solid write.
Billy Blue Eyes said…
Thats deep, Wish I could wite poetry but then I feel lucky to be able to string a sentance.
Very through provoking.
Manicddaily said…
Such an interesting take on the prompt--here there's a kind of despair - better to forget (hope of change impossible). I think there's always been a whole lot of killing going on, but we've certainly gotten better at attacking the planet too. Thanks, Susie, for heartfelt poem. k.
Marian said…
ooooh Susie. awesome.
De Jackson said…
Ohhh! SO well done, Susie!
Margaret said…
... and yet, she MUST create. That is a heavy load.