Drowning Sound Waves

There are
so many
love songs
sound waves
with tears.

She hums the melodies
with a damaged heart
and seeks a one night stand
to be her bandage.

Temporary, pseudo affection
will placate her until morning
re-wraps her in grief.

©Susie Clevenger 2013

Kerry at Real Toads challenged us to write in the  poetry style of Imagists.


aka_andrea said…
Oh Susie~ I love this!
"drowning sound waves with tears."
I love the circle you create with the water references in this.

I love the ending as well, morning re-wrapping her in grief.

A beautiful write!
Ella said…
YOU made a touching, sore subject beautiful~ Wow Susie! :D I am in awe
Helen said…
Layering on the pain, one night stands will do that. Lovely write!
Kay L. Davies said…
And it is never a helpful bandage.
So right, and a good write, Susie!
Kerry O'Connor said…
Your opening stanza is very reminiscent of Williams' style and a poem that tries to get to grips with the subject of love and pain very in keeping with his themes. Yet this poem is very much your own.
Susan said…
Sad. True. Beautifully knowing.
Debi Swim said…
short, to the point and true. The pain shows through!
humbird said…
sounds so lyrical,with melancholia...nice poem
ed pilolla said…
such well chosen words created from a place of empathy and perspective.