At Real Toads Izy had us watch this video for inspiration. I saw it in the wee hours of the morning and then immediately thought, "What the hell can I do with what I just saw? The following is what plenty of coffee and lack of sleep created.
Wake me from this death
of drugs that eats my hope.
I swallowed vanity’s pill
to bow to a camera flash.
This graveyard path is lined
with carved stones littered
with mourning bouquets
waiting to be placed on my breast.
The drying roses assault my nose
with their messages to a mannequin
painted to masque the reality
flesh has the pallor of despair.
Grim reaper I hear you searching
for the last chink in my armor.
Your teeth tear the threads of faith
clinging to the woman I once was.
Life save me from this hell I hold in my palm.
I wish to shed this skin of hallucinations.
If there is a seed of escape planted to grow resolve,
let it find fertile ground I cannot poison.
©Susie Clevenger 2013
The drying roses assault my nose with their messages to a mannequin painted to masque the reality flesh has the pallor of despair.
Excellent work, Susie. Amazing what may transpire from the subconscious from unusual promptings.
A fabulous write.
@Maggie Grace, the video just seem to lead us to the dark side. Thank you!
@Izy, thank you. I certainly didn't expect what would be in that video. I am glad I accepted the least I didn't have to rhyme. lol