A One Bedroom Apartment in Siberia ~ A Perfect Place

I embrace your jabs into muscle.
It proves I am alive as my legs
contort into convulsed appendages.

You keep my eyes open at night
to watch the moon disappear into sunlight.
I walk with zombie gait to the coffee pot
to share communion with your generosity.

Maneuvering through a fogged brain I scramble words
with speech and pen to form nothing phrases
that pass as conversation or strained intellectualism.

This Valentine ’s Day I will gift you with
heart shaped chocolate from my inner child
who surfaces in tantrums when she doesn’t
get to play without your constant attendance.

Dear Fibromyalgia, we are inseparable,
but I think it is time for you to move on.
I am thinking a one room apartment in Siberia
would be the perfect place for you to retire.

©Susie Clevenger 2013

Mary at Real Toads challenged us
to write a love letter to something
we have no love for...


Mary said…
Very, very clever, Susie. I burst out laughing at the end...I definitely think Siberia would be a good place for it to retire permanently!
Susan said…
Me too. Imagine I could find a new best friend!
Helen said…
This is an 'unkind' disease .. have several friends who must put up with it. Why not outer space? Siberia sounds not far away enough.
Anonymous said…
Oh dear. You manage to make it funny though, but can understand that it's not. k.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
It is an unkind disease........I've had it for so long I no longer remember what it is to be pain free. Love the idea of sending it to Siberia! Tho it does not like the cold...or the gray....or the heat.......or activity......or inactivity..........the list goes on.
Ella said…
Yes, and my diabetes wants in on that trip! Yes, outer space would be great...

Very clever way to write about this unfair pain! (((hugs)))
Kerry O'Connor said…
Haha! This is dripping in sarcasm and you have created a real awareness of this disease in the process.

This Valentine ’s Day I will gift you with
heart shaped chocolate from my inner child... Excellent.
T.A. Woods said…
I love the idea of sending it to Siberia or perhaps outer space. You handled the poem in a graceful manner. I enjoyed it.
Laurie Kolp said…
Reminds me of Alexander and Australia (children's story). Very clever, but I'm sorry you suffer from that, Susie.
Anonymous said…
I do think that would be a good ending to this poem! I love your amazing sense of humor with this tough subject.
Susie, fibromyalgia? Crap, I'm so sorry. I'm sure anything would be better. Many friends with the auto-immunes and it's just as discouraging a disease as mental illness, because there is no good balance. And yet you turned it into a sharp, clever poem. Good on you. Take THAT, Fibrocrap!! Amy