Concerto In Stone

A blackbird
takes flight
with string
and bow.
Concerto played
in stone.

©Susie Clevenger

File:The Blackbird. On Red Velvet!.jpg
The violin Blackbird.
Credit: Gabriel Urbanek

The Blackbird, also called the Black Stone Violin, is a full-size playable violin made of black diabase after drawings by Antonio Stradivari (Stradivarius), but with technical modifications to allow it to be played. The violin was conceived and designed by the Swedish artist Lars Widenfalk. It was named the Blackbird after theCommon Blackbird (Turdus merula) because of its colouring. Stradivarius himself often gave his violins names related to birds. 
Wikipedia ~ Blackbird Violin
Shared with Real Toads ~ Open Link Monday


Ben Ditty said…
Gorgeous. I've always want to play violin. I just don't think my dogs could live through the learning part.
Sreeja said…
Very interesting...I love Violin..this one is so beautiful..
Unknown said…
Concision always appeals. This is no exception. Lovely ode to the instrument, a source of great beauty and emotion.
Laurie Kolp said…
This is lovely, Susie.
Kimolisa said…
This made me smile, it was short but oh so effective and it's the first time I ever thought of a violin as sexy. LOL
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Fantastic and intriguing poem. The violin is beautiful and the clip of that talented youngster is remarkable. A feast in here today!
Ella said…
I love how you did this and so cool to know~ It is a beautiful poem :D
Kerry O'Connor said…
How beautiful - every word counts.
Kay L. Davies said…
This is wonderful, Susie, and the violin is beautiful.
(better late than never)