Yesterday's Immortality

Come sit in my decay
and we will reminisce
about yesterday’s immortality.

I wish to raise the shades
on my cataract view
to see with clear
blue eyes again.

We once had supple legs--
perky breasts-- flaming hair.

Lust danced with us
until we said yes
and naïve disappeared
in one quick thrust.

I want to recall flight
without broken wings…
skin that was flushed pink…
memories when they
were first written.

©Susie Clevenger 2012
Inspired by The Mag ~ Mag 145


Oh wow, this is absolutely stunning. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful as your custom :)
Nominated for award ck out
Carrie Van Horn said…
A glorious remembrance set to the page Susie!!
Jinksy said…
Sad but powerful...
Tess Kincaid said…
Sensual and a dance...
Helen said…
I wish, we once, I want ... those are magic words.
Ella said…
I love this sensuous poem! I miss dancing with lust, lol...
Wonderful Susie....I love it~
Wayne Pitchko said…
sad..lovely indeed....bnicelydone and than ks for sharing
Katherine said…
Bittersweet emotion...beautiful write!
SuyashJ said…
i love bittersweet poems like this
brudberg said…
Those days.. when we were young... (but for myself I prefer myself today to the shy nerd I was back then)
Unknown said…
I think this is a wonderful depiction of living through the ages. It is good to look back and enjoy the time spent.
Gillena Cox said…
ah yes we do have to age, dont we; looking back helps to sothe the pain of process

have a nice Tuesday

much love...
Carrie Van Horn said…
I remember this on Susie....I can so relate to the thoughts in this...even more now than before. :-)
Justin Lamb said…
Full of powerful memories of both joy and sadness. Nice writing.
Margaret said…
…memories when they were first written. Sigh - it just doesn't' happen, though. :)
Other Mary said…
Oh my - this is so lovely, poignant.
Jim said…
An interesting decay, Susie.
All of us have experienced most of this which helps us relate to the writer's plight.