Spam by Any Other Name

Recipient’s delight,
email graced with
the title of Spam.

Credit card rewards,
money in a foreign bank,
invitations to view the risqué,
are welcome distractions
when searching to find
a dreaded doctor’s note.

The heart swells with joy
that these digital messages
make their way through
cyber space to inbox.

What soul wouldn’t
find pleasure in receiving mail
that has been granted
the same name as a
meat product covered
in a gelatinous glaze?

©Susie Clevenger 2012
At Real Toads Shay challenged us to write a poem 
that does not reflect our true feelings. I think you can rightfully assume
I am not a fan of Spam in letter or food.


Fireblossom said…
Susie, you've got me rolling with this one. You know, I haven't heard from that Nigerian diplomat lately...I wonder if he's lost interest in me?
Mary said…
Spam is never a delight -- either in the pan or in the in-box! Enjoyed your poem, Susie.
Helen said…
You gave me a huge chuckle this morning ... also remembering all those Spam sandwiches I consumed as a kid.
Kerry O'Connor said…
Haha! Reading this reminded me to check Rt's spam where I found over 20 messages most of them from Erections in the Far East. Who knew one had to go so far to find them?
Unknown said…
ahhh spam
if it weren't for spam I wouldn't get any mail at all

Ella said…
Susie this was it! :D
Spam sure does make one ponder?!
Susan said…
A fine ordering and exhorting of a favorite peeve . . quite a fun read.
ed pilolla said…
hahahaa! what a neat change of pace, and still so technically sound.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Awesome! I was Being Spammed last week, not fun.....loved the "gelatinous glaze" phrase.
Margaret said…
I feel the same about "Anonymous" Loved this tongue in check poem.