Circa 1950

Circa 1950…She drank sweet tea
and ironed another’s clothes
thinking it ironic a pair of pants
saw more of the world than she.

Three kids…an apron…working
for nickels and dimes.

Glamour didn’t find its way
up three flights in a back alley.

©Susie Clevenger 2012


Mary said…
So true of some in the early 1950's, Susie. Some really had to scrimp to get by and did what they did to feed the children. I like the imagery created by the mention of the pants!
Brian Miller said…
a bit of harsh reality in this one susie...someone home to tend the fire while others live...i would hope she found a bit of life herself...and saw a bit more of the world....
ayala said…
Hard truth... Life not always what we dream that it would be.
Victoria said…
So good, Susie. I grew up in this era and it's well-represented. And as I age I find I'm often content to withdraw a bit, to write (if not to iron!)
Laurie Kolp said…
So sad, but a common plight back then... and for some today. I, too, like the pants.
Timoteo said…
Back alley poetry...rings with authenticity...and not a wasted word here...ironic, too, because I've been wasted in numerous back alleys.
hedgewitch said…
I love that reflection about the pants--perfect, Susie, showing the shut world, the doors that only open to let in more of the same.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
This rings so true and authentic, Susie - love the back alley feel, up a couple of flights. I can see her.
very reminiscent beautifully written In the 50's that is all a woman could attain to it seemed.
henry clemmons said…
Very kool, but some may prefer life without the gloss of vogue, but it was a different time I imagine, like black and white TV with no cable or wireless tech. Reminded me of old TV show sung from lost modern heart left with dreams. I liked a lot. Great words, line work, flow and voice.
I wonder how much things have changed?
Tigerbrite said…
Sweet tea was a treat after rationing. They were grey days. You capture the feel of them well.