Glad That It's Over

Kerry has us singing/writing the blues at Real Toads. I used Etta James I'd Rather Go Blind as inspiration for my blues piece.


Glad That It’s Over

I’m so glad that it’s over.
Thank god that it’s over.
My heart doesn’t have to break
when I hear your name any more.

You said you loved me
so, so many  times,
I got good at believing your lies.
But it all came to a head
when I found her necklace in our bed.
 I told you to pack your stuff and be gone.

I used to cry like there’d
be no more tomorrows,
break down in my sorrow,
reliving when you told me goodbye
and walked out the front door into her arms.

Now my blue days are gone.
I sang them far too long.
You were never worth
even one of my tears.

I’m so glad that it’s over.
Thank God that it’s over.
My heart doesn’t have to break
when I hear your name any more.

©Susie Clevenger 2012


Kerry O'Connor said…
Yeesh! The necklace in the bed.. that's an awful scenario. I really like the way you have used rhymes sparingly throughout - it adds to the cadence of this bluesy song.
Mary said…
Wonderful blues, Susie! I can just picture it being sung. She should thank her lucky stars that the cheater is out of her life!!
Grace said…
Thank goodness, the heartbreak is over ~ And I enjoyed the video ~

Happy Sunday to you~
hedgewitch said…
Lord, do I know the feeling. Great line about the necklace and you are so so right about not being worth a single tear.
De Jackson said…
This is excellent, Susie. I could totally hear this being crooned in a blues club. Awesome.

De Jackson (WhimsyGizmo)
Fireblossom said…
That's the moment isn't it, Susie? The acid test. No matter what we tell anyone else or ourselves, if that one name still makes the heart turn over, then it isn't over. When it can be heard without a flinch or a sigh, then things can be seen in perspective like this. As always, so nicely done.
Maude Lynn said…
I really like this!
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Oh this is a poem women can really relate to. It is always so good when the misery is over and well behind one.
ed pilolla said…
you told the story of pain from a place of wisdom and growth. it had a redemptive effect. it drew me in so well. break down in my sorrow is so strong.
Helen said…
There were times it felt like I was beating my head against the proverbial brick wall ~~~ never again. I believe I could sing this ~~ your blues poem rocks!
Herotomost said…
How identifiable are those feelings, all wrapped in blue. I could see myself singing this one with a thump of the foot and slap of the strings. I love me some Etta James.....I was singing At Last one day at work (government building) one station would play it every afternoon. A lady in the building heard me singing and came running over to see who it was....said she loved the song. From that point on, every time that song came on in the afternoon she would call me....crazy, we became really good friends. Sorry, rambling...ITS ALL ABOUT ME DAMN IT!!!!! LOL!
Marian said…
found her necklace in our bed? ouch, ouch ouch ouch.
Kay L. Davies said…
Why do we cry for the worthless ones? And yet we do, until we realize it's a waste of time. You told this so very, very well, Susie. A super blues lyric.
Lolamouse said…
Oh yeah. I hear you on this one!
Hannah said…
Such a classic broken heart blues!! Great job Susie!!