Goodbye to Burlesque

It was time
to retire her boa.
There was no more
campy comedy in her.
The stage lights
reflected her age
in its leather pattern
more alligator
than beauty.

Her simulated
bump and grind,
a caricature
that needed
drew more
demands to
leave the stage
than catcalls
to continue.

In a world
of exaggeration
she was its epitome
when she
was at her best.
Now she was
a copy of a faded era
barely readable.
In ancient heels
she gave her
last shimmy
and smiled
a last suggestive grin.
With boo’s
rumbling the rafters
she took a bow
saying goodbye
to Burlesque.

©Susie Clevenger 2012
Art: High Society- Fernando Botero
dVerse Poetics: Fernando Botero


Mary said…
Ah, Susie, a very sand commentary on someone who waited too long to retire.

I personally believe it is better to leave ANY 'scene' too early rather than too late.

I enjoyed your poem.
Brian Miller said…
yeah, there is a point when the stage takes its toll on performers and if you live by your body there is certainly an expiration date on that...a sad day to finally realise it...nice susie
Claudia said…
there's much depth in your poem...

Now she is
a copy of a faded era
barely readable...

think it's not always easy so know when to leave the stage..lots of good people missed the time and end up being caricatures of themselves...sad...
enjoyed your take on the prompt..a fine write..
Laurie Kolp said…
So many vivid lines in this like:

leather pattern
more alligator
than beauty

It's a bit sad, too.
vivinfrance said…
Oh, the miseries of ageing - but yourv words make them interesting rather than sad.
Scarlet said…
Nice take...I like that she still gave her suggestive grin, bowing goodbye. Sad, but that is life ~
Anonymous said…
cute little story about a burlesque queen retiring.

ever see the movie Mrs. Henderson Presents ? this reminded me of that movie (obviously, or i wouldn't i brought it up, i would have come up with something random like Transformers...OK i'm being silly)
Daydreamertoo said…
So sad when these real life stage actors/actresses don't know when it's time to call 'time.'
They end up instead of being the beauty's they once were, as looking like clowns, and, it is so sad to see them struggle with all the plastic surgery and unable to move their mouths or smile or have their lips move when they speak. Joan Rivers and Dolly Parton ( as examples, to name but a few) both look dreadful now.
Nice take on the prompt!
Anonymous said…
It can be hard soemtimes to know when to walk away....great writing Susie.
Christine said…
and yet if the people wanted her to stay, I feel she would have, alligator skin and all
hedgewitch said…
"a caricature that needed interpretation.." love it. Some great images in this, a bit poignant a bit satirical. Enjoyed it much.
Victoria said…
Sad irony in this. Those who depend on their beauty (read, youth) like that must experience a wrenching let-down when age smacks them in the face.
Unknown said…
Interesting take on the picture. Totally believable. I really like your descriprion with its close-in details.
irene said…
A thoughtful piece about caricature. Love the title.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Oh you told this story so well, with pathos and a keen eye. I love this artist's work, so humorous, and your poem illustrated it so well.
Maude Lynn said…
Happens to the best of us!

Love this, Susie!
Teresa said…
How sad, made more so by the truth of your lines. Great poem.
Dave King said…
Now she was
a copy of a faded era
barely readable.

Says it all. Inspired!
"The stage lights
reflected her age
in its leather pattern
more alligator
than beauty."

loved those lines. you presented her fall from grace with a lot of grace. for some its hard to leave the spotlight, perhaps for all of us. enjoyed this very much
Loving how this theme and these featureless fatties leave paintings open to interpretation. We've had everything from lust to nostalgia to sadness and neutrality.
Anonymous said…
This is hilarious:

"Her simulated
bump and grind,
a caricature
that needed
