Pointed hands travel
along a face removing
years in the tick tock
of unretrievable minutes.
Youth wishes time to fly
while age drags its feet.
The chase for tomorrow
catches the unsuspecting
with the arrival of today.
If floats on the air
with the wings of regret.
Mistakes mingle with successes
trying to erase joy
with its litany of remorse.
Life winds its clock but once.
Arms should embrace
the present moment
with awe and gratitude.
Be now what you wish
to remember tomorrow.
©Susie Clevenger 2011
Carry On Tuesday #135
In case you haven't read it yet,(and if you haven't, you got some splainin to do!) this will explain the "WOW" comment above: http://charleslmashburn.wordpress.com/2011/12/14/wow/
to remember tomorrow.
Absolute gem of truth!! Well written, Susie!!
Mark Butkus
This poem leaves me in awe ....
Happy Rally!
I love the dual image of the arms of the clock at the beginning and the arms of reader at the end!
Great write!
to remember tomorrow.' - so true...