Kitten Camouflage

kitten camouflage
confirming lunch’s sector
covert mission

©Susie Clevenger 2011
Haiku Heights Prompt: # 98-Covert


anthonynorth said…
Clever words. They're the cleverest of hunters.
Grace said…
Cute picture...covert mission food..ha..ha...
Anonymous said…
this IS cute! :D :D . I've a kitty and they have secret ways like this, to get what they want.
kitten camouflage :) love that title. Love the haiku too, good one. So much to tell in a few words.

Ben Ditty said…
Awwe is that your cat??
Anonymous said…
Oooh, good one!! :-)
Tigerbrite said…
Cute and worth waiting for. Cats are so patient waiting for their prey !
Blossom Vydrina said…
love the picture with the haiku :)
Olive Tree said…
a nice combo of haiku and image. the mission impossible soundtrack song came to mind as i was reading your haiku :)
The leaves in that photo look terribly much like poison ivy! Of course, it doesn't affect cats or dogs the way it affects humans...

“Covert” as a noun in this haiku
Anonymous said…
very cute and funny
dsnake1 said…
i guessed kitty got its lunch?

good haiku, and a great picture to go with it. :)