Between Heartbeats

My heart feels
 your words
 kiss me in the wind.

I cannot
release my soul
from your memory.

Between each
of my heartbeats
there is a lonely space.

Your name
rests on my lips.
I won’t speak goodbye.

©Susie Clevenger 2011


Janet Martin said…
this leaves me speechless! Breath-taking and stunning in its sadness!
Anonymous said…
Oh my heart just stopped for a moment, such beautiful writing Susie, Merry Christmas to you and your family and may all your 2012 dreams come true XX
Susie Clevenger said…
Thank you Jen...Merry Christmas to you and your family also. May 2012 be a blessed year for you.
Tim Keen said…
Absolutely chilling and sad. Awesome.

Ben Ditty said…
Such a great sense of curiosity takes me with your words. I guess the reader always wonders at the author's inspiration and appreciates in a way not knowing, because it lets them imagine.
Anonymous said…
"Your name rests on my lips." Breathtaking words that takes you on an emotional journey. Great Poem!
Sherry Blue Sky said…
So beautiful and poignant.
Susie Clevenger said…
Thank you Tim...letting go is so painful
Susie Clevenger said…
Thanks Ben...seems in this year of saying goodbye to so many I just felt this one

Happy Happy New Year.

Appreciated your support of 2011,

Best Wishes for the year of 2012…

Your contribution is always welcome!

Lots of blessings and cheers sending your way.

See you soon.
