Living Between Hydrangea and Moon

 “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn!”
–– Gone With the Wind ( 1939)

Should my eyes be programmed to only 
see death as my freedom,
be scriptured into suffering, 
my ears tuned to songs of blood,
to not listen to the moon because
that is a paegan’s melody?

The starlight in my DNA tells me
I am a child of the universe, a spirit
born to feel eternity’s vibration
in the wind that turns my cheeks to rose.

The words of men too often fail the standards
they proclaim they possess.
Fear, it is constant mantra to orchestrate obediance.

There are so many things to give a damn about,
but following what I don’t trust, don’t believe,
strips generosity and love from me are none of them. 

©Susie Clevenger 2023


Ellecee said…
love and appreciate your words of yours, Susie - to live an authentic life