Finding Peace

“Life did not stop, and one had to live.” ― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

“When things don’t go right  go left.” - Lewis Carrol

I tried to rage toward rest,
break the teeth of agony
until it could no longer
bury peace beneath war.

My bullets of why never
opened the chest of answers,
yet I continued to battle
with my artillery of wounds.

Months of pushing but never moving
opened cracks in my armor, brought
revelation…not every question will be answered,
anger repels…doesn’t invite peace.

Humbled by my own self revelation
I now spend more time meditating
with gratitude, not warring
with guilt that was never mine to carry. 

©Susie Clevenger 2023


Ellecee said…
Such a beautiful description of transition through grief, Susie. A poignant poem.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
I spend more time with gratitude, too, have walked through this terrible time with more grace and courage than I ever could have mustered.