Hold Your Space

The world spins on everyone else’s dime if you let it.
Hold your space in deep breaths and the soul light of the moon.

To worry your wings with another’s journey
will leave you flying at the speed of their expectations.

Take time to see where you’re going before
you are blind to anything other than a clock.

©Susie Clevenger 2019

Real Toads ~ The Tuesday Platform ~ Slow Down and Feel Groovy


Sanaa Rizvi said…
There is such wisdom and power in this poem, Susie!❤️ Especially love and resonate with; "To worry your wings with another’s journey will leave you flying at the speed of their expectations." Absolutely!❤️
Rommy said…
Love, love LOVE it, right from the first line. I think I spent way too many of my younger years living life that way. Nope, never going back to that. If I'm going to move like caffeine fueled anime character, it's going to be doing the things that I love.
Vivian Zems said…
I love the wisdom in marching to your own drum only...not anyone elses. Great words!
Sherry Blue Sky said…
I love "hold your light...in the soul light of the moon".
Ella said…
Oh, I love this and I so, feel this energy as time hand's are painting new lines in my brow~
I have flown with the expectations of others-it is their vision-not mine!
Your words have so, much impact on me-thank you!
Jim said…
Nice, Susie, good advice. I like your invented concept of 'worried wings.' I'll keep mine on the up and up.
Also reminded me of Myspace. I must check in again, check in things.
Kerry O'Connor said…
Ah, a true Butterfly Susie poem!
Thotpurge said…
...flying at the speed of their expectations - wise words indeed!
Sometimes, it takes us years to learn this. This cuts to the true essence of being yourself and following your own path. Beautiful!
Revived Writer said…
This is good advice and a nice poem. I might have to come back and read this often.
brudberg said…
I feel that we are so often tethered to clocks that others control... where is the puppeteer?
Margaret said…
"If you let it..." This poem is about what we allow to control us - and the choices we have to tune it all out if we so desire.