Love Doesn't Have to Make Sense

Craigh na Dun enchants me.
You stand on the other
side of stones as real
as yesterday, perfectly
formed by ink and dreamer.

Jamie, I want to hear you call me
Sassenach, speak Gaelic, fall over
the edge of realty into your
bold, lustful eyes.

Love doesn’t have to make sense.
I can feel what I can’t touch,
live in flesh and bone and inhabit dreams.

Crazy is to remain empty, to let your
light die just because no one can see its flame.

I am impractical, hungry for ink to write me
into your arms… Love grows and falls apart
with the power of an eraser… I choose to thrive
even if the pen never finds my name.

©Susie Clevenger 2019


Vivian Zems said…
Love the determination in the final stanza
Fireblossom said…
Love this, Susie! And thank you so much for your kind words at Toads. We are each other's fan!!!
Sherry Blue Sky said…
I love "I can feel what I cant touch"......and choosing to thrive "even if the pen never finds my name." Your pen knows your name, kiddo....for sure!
Outlawyer said…
Lovely gaelic rhythms here as well-- I have fall in love with many a creature of ink. Thanks! k.
Jim said…
I like your summation, Susie. "Love grows and falls apart with the power of an eraser" that is if it has ever been written. Not sure I would like this kind of world, I wouldn't mind time travel if I could return somewhere near where I left off.
Anmol (HA) said…
"formed by ink"/"hungry for ink" portray it so well. Wonderful!
Fight ya for him! I very nearly chose the lovely-in-every-way Jamie as my subject, too.
Kerry O'Connor said…
There is something arcane in love magic - you conveyed that perfectly in this poem.
Kim M. Russell said…
Oh yes, Susie! Now there’s a fictional character I’d fight you for! He’s definitely ‘perfectly formed by ink and dreamer’.
Brendan said…
Yay to the savage lover willing to burn in her own ink.
hedgewitch said…
I love those books--and Jamie, of course, the perfect man who never was, with his love like oceans that can never change or be depleted. I love your fancy here, too, that the heart will write you into the story, even if " Love grows and falls apart
with the power of an eraser." Good to read you, dear Susie, and nice work on revamping the blog.
Sophia DiNola said…
This line jumped out at me: “Crazy is to remain empty, to let your
light die just because no one can see its flame” makes me wonder and question. Lovely poem. 😊
Carrie Van Horn said…
I love love love this Susie! I cannot pick a favorite line. They are all vital and full of truth and sustenance to the poet's heart and it's ways.
Margaret said…
Every time he says "Sassenach"... he IS speaking to me (or so I tell myself) sigh. Love this!