He Chose Concrete and a Maid

For something so big and rarely photographed
he sure leaves enough evidence of his presence here
I could open a souvenir shop in my living room.

I found him last week digging through my trash.
Once I convinced him I didn’t have a camera in my hand
he mumble footed to my patio table where I served
him left over beef stew. (Although I wasn’t sure if
it was his cousin I’d just served him on a paper plate.)

I managed enough hand waving to let him know he
could stay in the garage where I store my motor home,
and he curled up into a giant ball as soon as I’d made
a bed with every blanket I owned.

I thought he would be there for one night, do the wild thing
and run back to the woods, but no, he decided concrete
and a maid were just what he needed.

I could make a lot of money if I alerted the Bigfoot Chasers
I had one that had self-domesticated himself in my back yard,
but I can’t imagine looking into those baseball sized eyes
knowing his next home would be a zoo full of swamp noggins’.

©Susie Clevenger 2019



Jim said…
This was fun, Susie. Very novel, now I'll wonder all night if it was a real animal. A swamp creature?
No, of course you couldn't! But I can see him becoming a bit of a problem.
Kerry O'Connor said…
This made me smile and hug myself with joy for the kindness of the speaking in taking in the loneliest of creatures, no questions asked.
Brendan said…
This bugger reminds me of Enkidu from Gilgamesh, the animal-man who is everything we left behind. Hilarious and perfectly pitched. Flawless title.
Outlawyer said…
Ha ha ! This brought a needed smile! Thanks. K.
Sanaa Rizvi said…
Bless your heart 💜 it takes a lot of kindness and patience to take someone into your home.
Carrie Van Horn said…
Such a wonderful story in this Susie! I love it!! I am still trying to imagine you with a bunch of hand waving guiding him to the motor home. A sheer joy to read. Made me smile ear to ear!
Isadora Gruye said…
Love the idea of bigfoot being this celebrity who is tired of the papparazzi. So clever! Thanks for sharing!
Cool and sadly, converted!