Wings at My Table

From my kitchen table
I watch a cardinal
climb screen wire to request
seed for an empty feeder.

From my kitchen table
I commune with a hawk
through window glass
as it reads the poem
in my eyes and imprints
my spirit with wings.

At my kitchen table
my heart swells as I see
my father arrive at
the windowsill as a bluebird
to tell me he’s found peace
in the angel song of the moon.

At my kitchen table
lonely can never find a chair
nor sorrow a cup to brew tears,
because wings comfort me
with their feather psalms of joy.

©Susie Clevenger 2019


Sherry Blue Sky said…
This is utterly gorgeous, Susie!
rallentanda said…
A kitchen table can be a place of inspiration and reflection. I have memories of my mother sitting reading and writing at the kitchen table. Lovely poem.
Thotpurge said…
Oh that is so lovely... there are such joys and comforts to be found if we know how to look for them.
As a birdwatcher I love this. I like the rhyme of table and cardinal and the surprise appearance of your bluebird father. Yes, it's like that.
SuyashJ said…
Wow absolutely love the happiness finding its way towards the end
Jim said…
Morning song of the bird lady. The third verse vibrates of disonance when reading of the pleasantries. On purpose, I know, such a pleasant morning table. Pleasant to read as well.
Anmol (HA) said…
This is so lovely — the kitchen table as a symbol of hearth and belonging works very well with these images of serenity.
Sarah Russell said…
One of my favorite things to do, Susie. Birds have always inspired my poetry as well. I even tend to choose houses where I can look out at the birds from the breakfast table. I think a venue like Your Daily Poem would love this piece. Psaltery and Lyre would like it too.
annell4 said…
Love your write!!
Sanaa Rizvi said…
Wowww!❤️ This is pure and palpable conviction and joy, Susie! I loved every word!❤️
robkistner said…
This was cool Susie! I love communing with our feathered friends.
Kim M. Russell said…
I have a soft spot for poems about birds, Susie, and yours is stunning! I would love to sit at your kitchen table and watch the birds – my mum would join your bluebird father as a robin.
Kerry O'Connor said…
I read your poem earlier this week on IG and felt a genuine sense of peacefulness. This is something I am actively trying to foster in my life since my days are filled with conflict resolution. I thank you for the tranquility of the moment with the birds.
Rommy said…
I actually misted up a bit. I often have a feeling of peace an contentment sitting at my kitchen table, with my favorite tea of the moment. But this was just another level of joy. Stunningly perfect piece.