Cackles in Lavender

Lavender Bubble Bath, “Do you hear me
cackling or think  my dark humor can be
softened by your flower union with honey?”

There are bruises on the white paper cells
covering my body that suggest I was beaten
while in reality a doorway grew narrower
while I was sitting in a chair.

It would be easier to convince your Herbal Essence
I was attempting to purge the effects of a tequila binge
than simply state, “I walked directly into the wall.”

Dear lavender, “Do you think it unfair
to be trapped in a porcelain tub
listening to my madness with no escape
except a drain that will carry the echo
of my voice as you descend into sludge?”

Oh, I can’t breathe… I can just see the expression
on my husband’s face if I told him I had the most
delightful soak while I was interrogating bubbles.

©Susie Clevenger 2019


tonispencer said…
Your husband, if like mine, would want to know if they answered. Not being a cackler or a soaker, it is hard for me to answer as well. I love the scent of lavender but only in the fields. So many lies women tell about the abuse. It is so very sad.
Fireblossom said…
Speaking as an inveterate soaker, the mind roams free while the bubbles rule. But....shhh on telling anyone what we think about in there! Ha!
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Smiles. I can imagine his face. But then he must know by now we poets are slightly mad. But in the very nicest way!
Candace said…
interogating bubbles - how delightfu!
Thotpurge said…
Yes... perfectly normal thing to do- talk to the lavender bubbles.. I would!!!!
M said…
bubble bubble, toil and trouble... ~
Kerry O'Connor said…
I think that second stanza is my favourite part of the whole. Great existential question, and lavender scented.. couldn't ask for more.
Revived Writer said…
This is fascinating (in a good way!).
I love your use of the lavender and bath. Sometimes I think lavender is the only thing that listens!
Carrie Van Horn said…
Absolutely love this Susie, and that last line made me smile!
Jim said…
The next time I take a Lavender bath I'll remember this poem. I hope I don't get trapped with the Lavender.
ayala said…
Smiles...I enjoyed this!