Sanctuary of Spoiling

On any given Sunday...
…Clean the plate or it’s denying the cake…
Let no be no unless grandpa is deemed judge of overrule…

My eyes and nostrils always lead the battle between fork and tongue.
If they spoke resist, my stomach obeyed, but mama didn’t care for rebellion.

In grandpa’s house mama’s rules didn’t govern his table. 
In my only sanctuary of spoiling he’d remove my plate of offense, 
and grant me a sugary pardon.

Victory tasted a bit like chocolate icing…

©Susie Clevenger 2018


Marian said…
I understand this, Susie. Had a different kind of weird dinner-table stuff going on and know well that feeling (and sugary taste) of victory.
brudberg said…
What a great overruling for a child... ha... sugary stuff never came easy when i was a kid,
Magaly Guerrero said…
Grandpa is such a hero. Only great beings grant chocolate.

I really love the story you've told us, how clear you show the interaction between child and grandparents... and the chocolate icing ending--best victory ever!
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Grandparents are always less strict.......i love that you had a sanctuary of spoiling.
Margaret said…
Gotta absolutely adore a Grandpa like that! Wonderful.
Rommy said…
I'll bet grandpa approved icing was the best tasting icing in the world too. This is such a fun memory you shared.