Four o’clock paints its portrait
on my library walls in dancing leaf shadows
muting the turquoise of a flowerpot
feeding on shrinking sunlight.
It is that time of day when the unwinding
stalks my mountain of lists and chases
it closer to the corner of undone.
Incubated in the sound play
of jet engines and classical music
I let sundown into my breathing
and turn my eyes to contemplate
a white crane soaring in a picture framed sky.
Daydreaming with my fingers black keyed
to an alphabet I write the bird’s flight
across a verse seeking wings not destination.
A roman numeral interjects itself into my reverie
as my gray cats stretch themselves toward dinner.
Walking the path of paws I leave late afternoon
to paint all my undone with the ebony touch of evening.
my favourite verse
"Daydreaming with my fingers black keyed
to an alphabet I write the bird’s flight
across a verse seeking wings not destination."
much love...
We are all busy people these days trying to find time to be poets in a busy busy world.
to paint all my undone with the ebony touch of evening.
Looking forward to a wonderful evening with the grey cats for company! Isn't it nice!