
It is an unholy cause that scours
the desert of broken spirits
to find souls so tattered
they would surrender freedom
for a crust of bread.

Altars can only sacrifice innocence once.
When blind tongues finally taste truth,
insurgency will topple temples housing
the decadent congregations of pitiless.

©Susie Clevenger 2017


kaykuala said…
When blind tongues finally taste truth,
insurgency will topple temples housing
the decadent congregations of pitiless.

One just cannot underestimate the wrath of the hungry hordes. Once they've realized the truth they can be violent and uncontrollable!

Iris said…
So well written:

"Altars can only sacrifice innocence once.
When blind tongues finally taste truth,
insurgency will topple temples"
Jim said…
Very timely, Susie. I dread your late line, "decadent congregations of pitiless" but it could come to this. The mood is set here for a Sampson-like strong man or woman to do the toppling.

Sanaa Rizvi said…
This is absolutely chilling, Susie! Especially "desert of broken spirits to find souls so tattered they would surrender freedom for a crust of bread." Powerfully written.
Gillena Cox said…
"Altars can only sacrifice innocence once."

Indeed, now that the sacrifice is already done, time for truth to continue to be voiced

much love...
Kerry O'Connor said…
You have used word combinations to produce a maximum effect, Susie.
brudberg said…
Has it come to that crust of bread? .. those breadcrumbs from the rich man's table.
Anonymous said…
Well and deeply worded composition and heavy reflection
Sherry Blue Sky said…
You are writing it true, kiddo. Like Jim, I worry about those churches full of the pitiless.
Ellecee said…
Very strong and a little scary. I say this with great respect for your thoughts and feelings. You are a formidable woman :-)
Anonymous said…
Powerful words..
Rommy said…
The dark religious imagery is chilling. One wonders if if the pitiless will understand what it is they have done, or will they go to the grave with their excuses.