
We circus-trap majesty,
trunk, intelligence
so we can feel superior
to the elephant.

Partnered with prodding
they dance in movements
of bipedal impersonation
around our three ring

In popcorn-delirium we stare,
clap, demand their fifteen minutes
until extinction so our insensitivity
can be entertained.

The clock counts down our unwinding
as we drink from bottles of pathetic.
We are dominion-beasts destroying beauty,
an evolution-science project that has failed. 

©Susie Clevenger 2016

Day 24 #NaPoWriMo 2016



De Jackson said…
I cannot agree with spirit (and heart) of this more.
I love this, so much:
Fireblossom said…
Amen to that. I just don't understand the need to dominate every living thing. They are perfect as themselves.
Hannah said…
In popcorn-delirium we stare,
clap, demand their fifteen minutes
until extinction so our insensitivity
can be entertained.

Wow...power in this all.
Debi Swim said…
so our insensitivity can be entertained.... ouch. Too true

Bekkie Sanchez said…
The way we have treated elephants and animals in general makes me ill. Truth Susie! Hugs!
Helen Patrice said…
I love your kennings. Popcorn-delirium. Oh yes, yes!
Gemma Wiseman said…
So love the 'popcorn delirium' image. Watching entertainment somehow needs a popcorn fix. But in your poem, that popcorn fix is like a sign of indifference toward the 'behind the scenes' of this entertainment involving elephants. A fine way to highlight another example of humanity's cruelty to animals.
Sanaa Rizvi said…
The clock counts down our unwinding
as we drink from bottles of pathetic.

Such a whole lot of power in these lines..!
Beautifully executed.

Lots of love,
There are some fine words in there. Sad to agree with what they say.
brudberg said…
The humiliation we have those fine beasts suffer.. Popcorn delirium is just the right expression for them.
Kerry O'Connor said…
The final two lines are brilliant, Susie. The whole a very certain message at the whole lot of us for our arrogance and taking too much for granted.
Rommy said…
You've combined the prompts to create a very moving piece. Those last two lines are heart breakers.
Jim said…
Well said, Susie. That's why my pet elephant became unemployed. Now we both are on the street, trying to sell our paintings. (That's my poem, some see.) But I really did see the elephant painting her picture and then parading it around, she was sooo proud. We had 'ringside' seats for that. Picture is real.
I hope you didn't get too wet. We live south of I-10 now, Katy mail. North flooded, badly.