Sandy Sky

Stars shine in a sandy sky,
the sea giving up its jewels
to burnish joy into eyes
turned ashen by sorrow.

©Susie Clevenger 2016

Prompt Nights - Take Me To The Ocean


Sanaa Rizvi said…
This is pure perfection :D thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights.

Lots of love,
kaykuala said…
to burnish joy into eyes
turned ashen by sorrow

There will be some ways out of the bad moments. It normally works that way!

Jae Rose said…
Like grit in the eye..polishing up for the outside world..i wonder how many of us do - a profound and shining poem
Magaly Guerrero said…
I can feel these lines all the way to my bones.
So many emotions on this brief melange of words. Excellent.
Anonymous said…
This is lovely