Hint, Rattle, and Suggest

The strut, tail feather swag,
same wingspan different cage,
testosterone ego believes
a worn exhibition is
Romeo’s secret weapon.

Truth is when a hen
has needs she knows
which clueless lock to pick.

Drop a few hints,
rattle the bars,
pigeon superstition
will take the bait
with full flexed chest
bowing to suggestion.

©Susie Clevenger 2015

Real Toads ~ Pigeon Superstition


brudberg said…
I have never trusted my testosterone... probably better to live on pigeon superstition.
Fireblossom said…
Man smart, woman smarter, as the song says!
Maude Lynn said…
Love that middle stanza!
Jim said…
I like the lock picker with the clueless locks to pick. Only one will be the best inside.
Kerry O'Connor said…
Wow! This is right on the money!
rallentanda said…
This gave me a smile this morning.Tis the nature of the beast, all that puffin' and struttin'. Too bad so many of them are misogynists:)