Beneath The Bubble Cap

Stars salt the moon
as midnight drinks
ink stains from a dipper.

Beneath the bubble cap
I toss questions into Sandman’s wink
hoping answers will glitter shadows.

Loss steals hours from sleep.
I pay remorse with tears,
but I fear it won’t be enough.
“If only” is too big a debt.

©Susie Clevenger 2015

NaPoWriMo ~ Day 6


Gillena Cox said…
Hi Susie, Monday WRites is up you are welcome to link in

much love...
Gillena Cox said…
the first verse i particularly luv, nice images throughout

much love...
Outlawyer said…
Such a cool poem, Susie--so easy to relate too, though you write about these feelings in a far more eloquent way than most of us have in thinking of them--"if only" a huge debt-- just lovely. Thanks. k. (Manicddaily)
Kerry O'Connor said…
Stars salt the moon..

I love that image. As an insomniac, I know the long night hours well.
Maude Lynn said…
Wow, this is gorgeous!
"If only" is a huge price to pay - let it go and drift off to sleep, loved reading this.
Hannah said…
So much depth of emotion in this, Susie...well done.
hedgewitch said…
GREAT first stanza, Susie--really a fresh image, salting the moon, and the rest of the poem is secret and shiny as a familiar constellation barely seen in a cloudy deep sky--also love the title phrase--it could be so many things.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
I love "stars salt the moon" and the idea of night drinking ink from a dipper. How cool. Your closing line resonates. Beautifully done, Susie.
De Jackson said…
Oh, man. That first stanza is a stunning. So good.
Debi Swim said…
I see the universe now as one big margarita... jk

I love that first verse and "if only"
Every phrase so telling, so perfect. 'Loss steals hours from sleep' is the one that especially hits home for me.
Sanaa Rizvi said…
This is beautiful... absolutely inspiring...
cosmos cami said…
I like the weight that last line gives the poem and I loved imagining the sky as spilled ink.
Other Mary said…
Ah, yes..."If only" is a big one. Love your fresh, unexpected images in this piece.
Marian said…
If only IS too big a debt.
grapeling said…
"if only" is so fraught... ~