Moon Fed On Imagination

Gravel dust feathered the nest
of our four rooms and five souls
in three acres of show me state.

Born middle child loud
I was a dandelion extrovert
in a garden of solitary.

Moon fed on imagination
through screen wire I tucked words
into hours until dreams found ink.

Under school house lamplight
where a raven spoke in Poe’s voice
I found poetry could make sense of my noise.

©Susie Clevenger 2015


kaykuala said…
Moon fed on imagination
through screen wire I tucked words
into hours until dreams found ink

That is very true Susie! It takes a little bit of time initially. Eventually imagination takes hold and a poem is born! Love this stanza!

Hannah said…
The photo with your poem on it is brilliant...what a nice layout. I'm a middle-child, too and dandelion is my Native American plant totem. I also found the same portion as Hank to tug at me...all excellent!
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Spectacular, Susie. One of my faves of yours!
brudberg said…
The image of the dandelion breaking through the dust embedded with this yearning for words. Beautiful Susie.
Kerry O'Connor said…
I was a dandelion extrovert
in a garden of solitary.

What an extraordinarily original line, Susie. Brilliant!
Anonymous said…
I'm glad we get the verse bildungsroman here, some historical images suggesting how the person came to be a poet. "...Tucked words into hours until dreams found ink," yes, but even more so "I found poetry could makes sense of my noise." The moon is fed well by our imagining ...
Gillena Cox said…
lovely imagery; and your page presentation is very nice

I'm happy you stopped by to read mine

much love...
Vandana Sharma said…
An amazing poem and equally amazing images used!
hedgewitch said…
That first line is a real gem--a picture that sets up what follows both visually and emotionally--also love the dandelion, and being 'moon-fed.' You know I can relate.
Ella said…
Powerful and so filled with magic! I am in awe and we both used dandelions ;D

Yes, this is brilliant:
"I was a dandelion extrovert in a garden of solitary."

Bravo, Susie
Scarlet said…
I specially love this part Susie:

Born middle child loud
I was a dandelion extrovert
in a garden of solitary.

Anonymous said…
This is such a creative and vivid poem--it is packed with full concepts and images. Really enjoyed, Susie--I have a strong picture. Thanks. k.
Margaret said…
What a wonderfully creative expression of how your voice came to be. Perfect challenge for you and the beginning line really sets the place for me as well.