Tinseled Merry


Sherry Blue Sky said…
...."than the tears of a world suffering without hope of peace." Beautiful, Susie.......my thoughts are similar these days.
kaykuala said…
Very true Susie! The shadow of conflicts is forever there. Great lines and a clever twist from the normal.

Magaly Guerrero said…
This has always been a puzzle to me. Who cares what words are chosen to spread happiness? It would be alien for someone who doesn't celebrate my holiday to use my words, and the same goes for the person who expects everyone to use his or her words.

Besides, like your poems suggests, there are a million more important things in the world...
Margaret said…
I picked up a Christmas Card box this year and noticed it said "Happy Holidays" and knew it would offend a certain %. I bought it anyway as I adored the image of peace it portrays. Fantastic poem.
Justin Lamb said…
I could have never said this better. Such stupid things we argue while people are dying!