The Portal of Fitheal

Autumn Celestial Elf ~ John Anster Fitzgerald

Beware of stepping
through the portal of Fitheal
where nightmares dance
on dead eyes and fairies
gather lies to decorate
damnation’s tree for
The Feast of Revelation.

It is on All Hollow’s Eve
Mendacity don’s her
whisper veil to trick
tongues to spill secrets.

If you bear the hoodwink’s mark,
don’t venture out when the moon
is tinted with blood smoke,
or your screams will be added
to the flames of the liars’ sacrifice.

©Susie Clevenger 2014
(Notes: Fitheal means sprite or goblin in Irish and Mendacity means deception)
Grapeling at Real Toads gave us this list of words as inspiration for our ghost stores:
fairy, portal, sacrifice, feast, smoke, winter, slaughter, spirit, veil, ritual, trick, disguise


Manicddaily said…
Yikes! I will watch out! Thanks, Susie. K.
Beware indeed! Love the moon tainted with blood smoke.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Wowzers, kiddo, scary stuff! Loved it.
hedgewitch said…
The first stanza is really striking in its imagery, Susie(love 'where nightmares dance on dead eyes...') You weave a fine supernatural feel into this All Hallows tale, and very fitting it is. The worst things that haunt us do indeed come from lies.
Hannah said…
For me, the intriguing part is extracting a way, making them a tangible - hold-able thing that can be added to flames...interesting...I wonder what a scream would "look" like if one could see it. Great ambiance in your work and love your image choice, Susie. :)
Kerry O'Connor said…
Part song, part cautionary tale! I enjoyed the rhythm and imagery very much.
Mark Kerstetter said…
I'm not sure I bear the hoodwink's mark or not, but the way my luck goes I'll be sure and stay in Halloween night!
Anonymous said…
This would find a welcome seat in Grimm's Tales, Susie. Thanks for adding your voice ~
Anonymous said…
Such a sinister cha-cha, delighting in each devious twist. A rich soup. Wonderful!
Susan said…
I probably do bear the hoodwink's mark--I find it so hard to avoid portals! But since i do not lie, I may be safe. Pefect!
Helen said…
Perfectly ghoulish ~~
How deliciously creepy! There is so much to love in here, from the imagery to the unique wording, the power and the whimsy, and it all wraps together beautifully. Cheers!