Sunburnt July
The bay splashes me
with its mirrored water
until my daydreams
surrender to the waves.
Reality is too cold under
the sunburnt July sky.
Why swirls above me
with the seagulls and
for a few short moments
I don’t care there
isn’t an answer.
©Susie Clevenger 2014
Kool-Aid And Brimstone
and searched the horizon
for the end of the world.
With our boots laced to brimstone
we toured damnation until
love was supplanted by fear.
Summer stirs my unholy ghosts
with their songs of blood echoing
through the questions I never asked.
I still feel the pain of wearing wool.
©Susie Clevenger 2014
photo credit: Adam Foster | Codefor via photopin ccThe first poem is written for Margaret Bednar's challenge at Real Toads
Artistic Interpretations ~ Life On An Island
The second is written for Real Toads Flash Fiction 55