Peace Collection

Susie Clevenger's Slidely by Slidely Slideshow

Peace signs…
a reminder war
is never an answer…

War came to me
in a small town.

Viet Nam was
miles away
and death didn’t
have a familiar face,

But from a store front
window I saw it march
down main street in a coffin
covered in stars and stripes.

With Bridge Over Troubled Water
playing in an unending loop in my head
I told a friend goodbye and pledged
from that day forward I would always
surround myself with symbols of peace.

©Susie Clevenger 2014

 Ella at Real Toads had us talking about creative walls, collections. My peace sign collection is on my walls, clothing, jewelry, etc. I take it with my at all times in the peace sign I have tattooed on my left arm. 


Sherry Blue Sky said…
I love this, Susie - I can see the coffin, the flag, feel those days when Viet Nam caused so many your vow to collect symbols of peace.
Ella said…
Susie, I can see it-so sad! It was a haunting time in our country.
I love the note you ended on-offering us hope!
Kathryn Dyche said…
Heartbreaking visual.
Sumana Roy said…
i love this pledge for peace......
and the ways...heartfelt words...
Margaret said…
This made me hold my breath… really powerful story telling! And the BEST way to remember him. Loved it.
Susan said…
Between the return of fallen angels and TV coverage of killing, small town America found the world and the world changed us. This poem shows a bit of what it was like. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
really powerful, Susie. I think it also fits Brian's Self Portrait prompt at dVerse, in a way... ~ M
Kerry O'Connor said…
I so enjoyed your montage, Susie and the words below tell another part of the story. This was so uplifting. Thank you.