The Poetry of Touch

I wonder what verses
the moon is tattooing
on our flesh with its shadow pen.

Does it really matter?

Your hands murmur poetry
and I know the language they speak.

It is ancient.. universal.. carnal…
My body responds in exclamation
to the love sonnet yours speaks against mine.

Adrift on a breathy ocean
we let time splash among the stars
and ignore daylight will soon arrive
to edit moonlit shadows.

©Susie Clevenger 2013

At Real Toads Ed Pilolla gave us a list of words to spark our creativity.


ed pilolla said…
you hold that writer's -- and tattoo -- pen so deftly while making introductions with the wonders of nature. it's like a magic wand in the scenes here. so clever, enchanting...
Hannah said…
This is just brimming of lover's tryst!! Beautiful use of the words, Susie!!
hedgewitch said…
Soft and breathy stuff, Susie. I love this line especially " Your hands murmur poetry/and I know the language they speak..."
--that language we are all born knowing, yet so few seem to speak it to us.
Margaret said…
"and ignore daylight will soon arrive
to edit moonlit shadows.

…oh, I hope not too much will need to be edited - Just lovely! I adore the same lines as Hedgewitch.
This is gorgeous Susie.
Helen said…
... 'does it really matter' ~ I lost all sense of time reading your poem. Beautiful.
Kay L. Davies said…
This is a love of a poem, Susie, this poem of love.
revelations said…
a lot of love and sensual feelings are wrapped up in this poem...
Sumana Roy said…
wondrfully composed......
Vandana Sharma said…
Really thought provoing
Daylight editing the moonlit shadows, how did you come up with that verb? PERfect. There is indeed a poetry of touch, and you described it so well... wonderful use of Ed's words, and wasn't that a great prompt? Peace, Amy
Billy Blue Eyes said…
A sensual verse brining thoughts of love
Heidi said…
Oh my, Susie! I am flushed. I think that I want to hear your poem sung.
Kerry O'Connor said…
I adore the idea of the moon tattooing with a shadow pen.

Excellent response, Susie.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Wonderful, Susie. I love the moon tattooing, too.......and the hands that are poetry. Wowzers!
Anonymous said…
This is so wonderful! I love your imagery, especially that of the moon tattooing the flesh.
Anonymous said…
really like "daylight will soon arrive to editi moonlit shadows", Susie
Ella said…
Wow Susie! This is magical-I now want a moon tattoo~ Gorgeous!
Jennifer Wagner said…
...sigh...blissful and gorgeous Susie!